Facing all kinds of challenges and conquering them to reach your goals requires an innate strength. Meet Ntokozo Magwaza, an aspiring pilot.
Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Ntokozo Magwaza, and I come from Eshowe where I have a big extended family. I currently live in Durban North on my church property where I co-lead the children’s ministry and serve as a video editor at Anthem Church. My deepest passion is to become an airline pilot and I am close to completing my training.
Tell us about what inspired you to start your journey to becoming a pilot
When I was little, I used to see planes flying over my rural area. I watched them with intrigue and wanted to learn more about them. When we were fortunate enough to have a TV at home, I used to watch the Air Crash Investigation TV series. Instead of being afraid, I considered what I would have done differently to save lives as a pilot in response to the different emergencies. I have to become a pilot – thinking about it ignites an unexplainable excitement in me. My heart wants to burst, and I light up!
What has been the biggest influence in your life?
The biggest influence in my journey is my drive to become a better version of myself and refusing to allow the conditions into which I was born to hinder what and who I want to be. My mom and dad passed on too early to raise, nurture and help me to become a person they could be proud of. I always think of what kind of a young man they would want me to be: who chases his dreams, is kind, and always aspires to be better. I use thoughts like that to inspire me to reach for the stars. Another significant influence is my son. His smile as he cheers me on motivates me to do my best for him and to provide him with opportunities I never had.
What stage of your training are you currently in?
I have completed my Private Pilot License, Night Rating and all my theoretical Commercial Pilot Licence exams. What remains is my Commercial Pilot Licence Multi-Engine Rating which requires me to have completed between 120 and 150 flight hours. This can take up to five months to complete depending on funding.
What lessons have your journey and work life taught you?
One of the biggest lessons I have learnt is that you are because of others, according to the concept of ubuntu. I would not have made it this far in my aviation journey and got this close to achieving my dream if it were not for people helping me. Whether it be through finance, providing shelter, teaching me new skills that equipped me to get jobs, or encouragement that spurred me on. I want to remember that lesson and honour it by giving back to my community and those in need.
What’s next for you?
My immediate goal is to raise the funds needed to complete my aviation training, securing my Commercial Pilot Licence and Multi-Engine Rating. Thereafter, I would love to use my training as a commercial pilot to serve people and help other families in their pursuit of a better life to create a meaningful legacy.
Click here to support Ntokozo’s journey.
Photos by Grant Pitcher