Festive Fun!

The UmhlangaJanuary 6, 2023

These Christmas games are a great way to involve the family and participate in a series of fun activities!


Besides diving into delicious food and catching up with family, what else can you do on Christmas day to make it special? I’ve put together a list of must-try Christmas Games to stir up the competition. These games work for any age and are guaranteed to make this coming Christmas Party a huge hit!


These are minute-to-win-it games, so depending on the number of people participating, there are different ways to play them. Complete the task before your opposition does, and teams get scored accordingly. The team that scores the most points wins!


Candy Cane Catch

What you will need: Christmas tinsel, Chairs, Candy Canes


How to play: You will tie a piece of Christmas tinsel from one chair to another. A player from each team will stand on top of the chair with some candy canes in their hand. Keep in mind that this is harder than it comes across, so this is a real challenge. Ensure to be careful when you are standing on the chair, and make sure you have a steady one! Players must drop one candy cane at a time until one eventually catches onto the tinsel and stays there. Each player from the team should attempt to play, and points will be awarded to each individual who successfully completes the task. #happycatching



Toy Touchdown

What you will need: Christmas baubles/figurines, Small baskets, Pantyhose


How to play: To prepare, a player from each team gets nominated as the basket holder. Thread one end of the pantyhose through the basket handle and tie a knot around each of their waists. The basket should be facing the back of the person, where they cannot see it. When both players are prepared, split the ornaments so each team has an equal share. The trick is to pass the ornaments through their legs (as if they’re hiking a football), and the basket holder needs to catch the ornaments in the basket! If you have more people in your team, you will take turns passing the ball in a line. The team with the most ornaments in a minute wins the challenge and the point!



Naughty or Nice?

What you will need: Candies (Red and Green), Bowls, Pieces of Paper for Labels

How to play: This game is player versus player. Each player must have an equal number of red and green candies mixed in a bowl (we suggest 10 of each – or more if you’d like a challenge!) Grab four bowls and label two with ‘Naughty’ and two with ‘Nice’ with the pieces of paper you have. Each player gets a naughty and a nice bowl. In a minute, players need to divide the red and green candies into the respective bowls; red goes into the naughty bowl, and green is for the nice bowl. Players need to separate the candies one at a time. (You may not cheat and empty the bowl to sift or grab many candies at once).




Reindeer Wrap

What you will need: Brown Crepe Paper, Reindeer Headbands

How to play: Unlike the rest of the games above, this one doesn’t require you to complete the challenge in a minute. Well, don’t think it’s easy. The players will need A LOT of crepe paper. Two players will grab a teammate to wrap, and first, they will place the reindeer headband on their heads. Nominate a person that is not participating to start the challenge with a ‘ready-set-go’. During the challenge, players will race to wrap their teammates ENTIRELY. This will take some time, but there is excitement about who finishes first! Don’t worry if your crepe paper tears at some point. Keep it going. The first player to successfully turn their teammate into a reindeer wins the challenge! Be careful: Don’t do a slapdash job and call first. You need to convince the audience that you have done magic!


There you have it, folks. I hope you enjoy your festive season with lots of fun! All games are fair, and you may tweak them as you wish to make things easier and more exciting at home. Remember to keep the points. The winning team has bragging rights, and the losers – better luck next year!


Words by: Toni Savannah Reddy